I am a civil engineer specialized in coastal, maritime port hydraulics and ocean engineering, with more than 40 years of versatile work experience and research in North America and abroad. This Website (Widecanvas Home Page) represents a front-head label to my professional experience, expertise and initiative: the Consulting – Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering. In addition to highlighting my professional profile summary – the label brings in articles of versatile interests – of scientific, technical and social topics of importance. With this series of articles I intend to present and share my perspective on wide ranging issues, hopefully in ways that have developed out of my long experience in the applied physics of science, engineering and technology. . . . Is it something unusual to do by professionals like me? Well not really. Echoing with Einstein (1879 – 1955) who wrote in an essay on Moral Decay published in 1937: All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. To give an idea, in this Website I wish to bring to focus some of the topics that matter to all of us. We all see the world differently – it is so natural because it depends on where we stand in our cultural differences, and in the phase of life – we have different interests, training, understandings and views of life and everything that surrounds us. But, at the same time we need more of convergence than the promotion and proliferation of divergence – in aspects that matter to the common destiny of humans and all belonging to the same Life System – defined by Nature and the Environment we live in. The stake is too high for not doing things otherwise – much more than what we tend to comprehend and realize. Due to such differences, the wide range of topics I am covering may not equally appeal to all. This may appear so despite my efforts to articulate them in an interesting manner - as an attempt to converge things - most often relying on the Reductionist paradigm to arrive at reasonable Deductions. Perhaps the SCIENCE OF NATURE and the SOCIAL INTERACTION INSIGHTS pages may appeal to most of us than the SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING page. But I like to assure that if you read the articles patiently you would find them interesting and refreshing. In some of the pieces – I drifted to ancient wisdoms – diving deep into intellectual and philosophical queries, and have found them very enriching and insightful in clearly understanding things from different perspectives. These efforts have been helpful in expressing some aspects in the formats of Essays, Poems, Story-telling, Master-disciple Dialogues and Koans. In many of them, I have attempted to philosophize a topic or issue in order to go deep into it to understand things from the angle of true perspective. I have a tendency to challenge myself - and this zeal helps me to boost and replenish my energy. The articles are dynamic or living in a sense that I try to update them when I come across or learn new ideas and materials (the date shown on each piece is the first posting date; the dates of subsequent edits are not reflected there). Some of the pieces on the NATURE and SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY pages could easily belong to one or the other; my preferences are purely judgmental. An example is the piece, Upslope Events and Downslope Processes posted in NATURE – but covering all three premises of WIDE CANVAS. Well it is only the Science of Nature - the illuminating torch that has the capability to guide one venturing into the fields of Technology and Engineering. It is demonstrated in these two pages – in a way of enriching the articles by materials taken from my teaching lecture notes, especially those from my teaching experiences at the Florida Institute of Technology. . . . Research, and Engineering at the Waterfront and In-Water within Coastal Environments – the following is a Brief on my Versatile Experience, Background and Major Specialties. COASTAL: Metocean – Wind, Wave and Tide; Sea Level Rise – Science, Consequences and Adaptation; Storm Surge and Tsunami; Integrated Coupled Modeling – Wind, Wave, Current, Sediment Transport and Morphology; Cross-shore and Longshore Sand Transport; Coastal Protection; Intakes and Outfalls; Stability of Seabed Pipeline; Wind, Wave and Current Loading; Wave-Structure Interactions - reflection, runup, transmission, overtopping and scour; Inlet; Surf Zone Beach Dynamics and Sand Nourishment; Residual Motion and Transport; Effects Assessment; Coastal Processes – Characterization and Planning MARITIME & PORT: Harbor Dynamics; Fixed and Floating Breakwaters; Mooring System – Static Stability and Dynamic Ship Motion; Berthing Impact and Fender; Berthing Downtime; LNG Terminal; Propwash Scour Protection; Harbor Sedimentation and Dredging; Vessel Maneuvering and Approach Channel; Navigation and Navigation Aids RIVERS & ESTUARIES: Hydraulics and Morphodynamics; Flow Turbulence and Eddies; Bedform Dynamics and Flow Resistance; Sediment Load; Seasonality Hydraulics; Optimization of Measurements and Gaging Network; Characterizing: Mobility, Adaptation and Equilibrium in Alluvium, Environmental Controls and Functions; Management and Development Strategy ORGANIZATION & PROJECTS: Management and Leadership; Coordination; Standards, Codes and Regulations – Best Engineering Practices; Uncertainty and Risk; Scenarios and Multi-criteria Screening of Alternative Solutions; Reviews, Committees and Consultations COUNTRIES OF EXPERIENCE: Canada; USA; Bangladesh; New Caledonia (Oceania); Vietnam; Indonesia; UAE (Abu Dhabi); Chile; Peru; Mexico; St. Lucia (West Indies) REPORTS & PUBLICATIONS: Many Project Reports; Publications; and Conference Presentations TEACHING & RES: Delft Hydraulics; USC; BUET; UBC; Adjunct Professor of Ocean Engineering FIT, Florida PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP & AFFILIATION: EGBC (Retired; P.Eng. 2000-2022); ASCE (M. ASCE since 1994); COPRI; IAHR; AGU; ISOPE; IEB (Life Fellow) EDUCATION: BUET 1977; Delft the Netherlands 1982; The University of South Carolina 1992 I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In addition to what are inked in this Website, also see my contributions/discussions on the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) forum: ASCE Professional Contributions (2103 contributions by September 2024), where I have interacted with fellow colleagues and engineers (Links to some include: Model Validation Issues; AI in Practice Today; Sea Level Rise and Low Lying Airports; New Orleans' Levees Sinking after Massive Upgrading; Palu Indonesia Tsunami; Knocking of Rising Seas in Higher Frequencies; Wetlands and Ethics; Sustainability; Engineering Leadership; Integration of Disciplines in Engineering Education; Standards, Codes and the Grenfell Tower Inferno). More aspects of the profile are in: ORCiD Google Scholar Semantic Scholar Bio in ASCE Forum . . . Some of my selected publication/presentation/work titles: Barua DK (2017). Wave Hindcasting (updated chapter). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science (2nd ed), CW Finkl and C Makowski (Eds). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_347-2 ResearchGate Link OA.mg link Barua DK (2017). Beaufort Wind Scale (updated chapter). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science (2nd ed), CW Finkl and C Makowski (Eds). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_45-2 Barua DK (2017). Seabed Roughness of Coastal Waters. Encyclopedia of Coastal Science (2nd ed), CW Finkl and C Makowski (Eds). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_360-1 ResearchGate Link Barua DK (2017). Coastal Upwelling and Downwelling (updated chapter). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science (2nd ed), CW Finkl and C Makowski (Eds). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_88 Barua DK (2015). Longshore Sand Transport – An Examination of Methods and Associated Uncertainties. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments Conference, May 11-15, 2015, San Diego, California, World Scientific. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789814689977_0061 Barua DK, Crum P, Truitt C and Walther M (2013). Integrated Modeling and Sedimentation Management: the Case of Salt Ponds Inlet and Harbor in Virginia. Proceedings of the Ports 2013 Conference, Seattle, Washington, ASCE, pp. 512-521. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784413067.053 Barua DK (2011). Role of Parameter Uncertainty in Design Decisions – Analytical Assessment for a Coastal Breakwater and Harbor Entrance Sedimentation. 21st ISOPE Paper 2011-TPC-230 (not presented). Session #123, COASTAL IX: Coastal Structures 2; June 23, 2011, Maui, Hawaii, USA. Barua DK, Fontaine T and Walther M (2010). Sand Placement Design on a Sand Starved Clay Shore at Sargent Beach, Texas. 23rd Annual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, February 3-5, 2010. Melbourne, Florida, FSBPA. Barua DK, Walther M and Truitt C (2009). Littoral Shoreline Change in the Presence of Hardbottom – Approaches, Constraints and Integrated Modeling. 22nd Annual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, February 18-20, 2009. St. Pete Beach, Florida, FSBPA. Barua DK (2008). Discussion of “Management of Fluid Mud in Estuaries, Bays and Lakes. I: Present State of Understanding on Character and Behavior.” by WH McAnally et al. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(10), 1541 p. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:10(1541) ResearchGate Link Barua DK (2008). Wave Loads on Piles – Spectral versus Monochromatic Approach. Proceedings, 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) Vancouver, BC, Canada, 297-301 pp. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286407423 https://www.onepetro.org/conference-paper/ISOPE-I-08-124 Barua DK (2008). A Dynamic Approach to Characterize a Coastal System for Computational Modelling and Engineering. Proceedings of the Canadian Coastal Zone Conference, Coastal Zone Canada Association (CZCA), UBC, Vancouver, 23 – 29 May, 2008, Page 70. Barua DK (2008). Discussion of “Maximum Fluid Forces in the Tsunami Runup Zone.” by H Yeh, ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 134(3), 199-200. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2008)134:3(199) Barua DK, Allyn NF and Quick MC (2006). Modeling Tsunami and Resonance Response of Alberni Inlet, British Columbia. 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, California, World Scientific, pp. 1590 - 1602. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812709554_0135 ResearchGate Link Barua DK (2005). Coastal Upwelling and Downwelling (superseded by the 2017 update). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, M Schwartz (Ed), Springer, the Netherlands, pp. 306-308. ResearchGate Link Barua DK (2005). Wave Hindcasting (superseded by the 2017 update). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, M Schwartz (Ed), Springer, the Netherlands, pp. 1060-1063. Barua DK (2005). Beaufort Wind Scale (superseded by the 2017 update). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, M Schwartz (Ed), Springer, the Netherlands, pp. 186-187. ResearchGate Link Barua DK (2004). Discussion of “A simple formula to estimate settling velocity of natural sediments.” by JA Jiménez and OS Madsen. ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 130(4), 219-220. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2004)130:4(219) Barua DK (2002). Discussion of "Development and Geometric Similarity of Alluvial Deltas" by CL Shieh, CM Tseng and SM Hsu, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 128(12), 1102-1103. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2002)128:12(1102) Barua DK (2001). Discussion of "In Situ Size Distribution of Suspended Particles in the Fraser River" by BG Krishnappan., ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(11), 981. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2001)127:11(981) Barua DK (2001). Discussion of "Field Techniques for Suspended-Sediment Measurement" by DG Wren, BD Barkdoll, RA Kuhnle and RW Derrow, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(9), 784-785. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2001)127:9(784) Millar RG and Barua DK (1999). Hydrodynamic Model Selection Study for the Lower Fraser River Between Laidlaw and Mission. UBC, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (MELP), 43pp. Barua DK and Rahman KH (1998). Some aspects of turbulent flow structure in large alluvial rivers. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 36(2), 235-252, IAHR (International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research), Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221689809498635 https://www.iahr.org/library/info?pid=5905 ResearchGate Link Barua DK et al (1998). Suspended Sediment Transport through the Ganges-Brahmaputra Fluvial System: Implications for Floodplain Sedimentation and Sediment Delivery to the Ocean. Reviewed manuscript, the Journal of the IAS - Sedimentology. Barua DK (1997). The active delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Rivers: dynamics of its present formations. Marine Geodesy, 20(1), 1-12, Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490419709388091 ResearchGate Link Barua DK (1997). The characteristics and mobility of some major rivers in Bangladesh. Water Nepal, 5(1), 109-127. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309201572 Barua DK and Salahuddin A (1996). Environmental functions of an alluvial river. Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development, 3(1), 39-53. Barua DK and Dey KC (1996). Bedform dynamics and sediment transport: report of an investigation in the Jamuna River. 41st Annual Conv. Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Book of Abstracts, Civil Engineering Division, Paper # 41-4-06, IEB. Barua DK and Kana TW (1995). Deep water wave hindcasting, wave refraction modeling, and wind and wave induced motions in the east Ganges-Brahmaputra delta coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 11(3), 834-848. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4298384 https://journals.flvc.org/jcr/article/view/79861 Barua DK, Klaassen GJ and Mahmood S (1995). On the adaptation and equilibrium of Bangladesh rivers. In: CVJ Varma and ARG Rao (Eds), Management of Sediment - Philosophy, Aims and Techniques, Oxford & IBH Publishing co., New Delhi, pp.277-291. Barua DK (1995). Reclaiming tidal channels for rice farming: determination of impoldering level at an appropriate stage of siltation. International Symposium on Coastal Ocean Space Utilization, Yokohama, Japan, 30 May-2 June, 1995. Barua DK (1995). Sediment transport in suspension: an examination of the difference between bed-material load and wash load. 39th Annual Convention of the Institution of Engineers, Chittagong. Abstracts of papers for technical sessions, civil engineering division, pp.12-13, IEB. Khan ZH and Barua DK (1995). Seasonal variation of certain hydraulic parameters of the Ganges River. 39th Annual Convention of the Institution of Engineers, Chittagong. Abstracts of papers for technical sessions, civil engineering division, pp.13-14, IEB. Barua DK (1994). On the environmental controls of Bangladesh river systems. Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development, 1(1), 81-98. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312980885 Barua DK, Kuehl SA, Miller RL and Moore WS (1994). Suspended sediment distribution and residual transport in the coastal ocean off the Ganges-Brahmaputra river mouth. Marine Geology, 120 (2), 41-61, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(94)90076-0 ResearchGate Link Barua DK (1994). On the hydraulic behavior of Karnafuli River estuary, Bangladesh. Book of Abstracts, 24th International Conference on Coastal Engineering at Kobe, Japan, Japan Society of Civil Engineers and Coastal Engineering Research Council and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Abstract No. 35, pp.116-117. Barua DK, Klaassen GJ and van Groen P (1994). Understanding the physical processes of the major river system in Bangladesh - general aspects and outstanding problems. 38th annual convention of Institution of Engineers, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Abstracts of technical papers presented, pp.24-26, IEB. Barua DK and Alam MK (1994). On the formulation of a coastal zone management plan for Bangladesh. 38th annual convention of the Institution of Engineers, Dhaka. Abstracts of technical papers presented, pp.22-24, IEB. Barua DK (Ed) (1993). Morphological processes in the Bangladesh river system - a compilation of papers. River Survey Project, Govt. of Bangladesh, European Union, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Barua DK and Klaassen GJ (1993). Bangladesh and its rivers: an introduction. In: DK Barua (Ed), Morphological processes in the Bangladesh river system - a compilation of papers, River Survey Project, Govt. of Bangladesh, European Union, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Barua DK (1993). Practices, possibilities and impacts of land reclamation activities in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. In: PM Grifman and JA Fawcett (Eds), International perspectives on coastal ocean space utilization, University of Southern California Sea Grant Publication, pp. 343-356. Barua DK (1992). Dynamics of Coastal Circulation and Sediment Transport in the Coastal Ocean off the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Mouth. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Carolina, 154 pp. Barua DK (1991). Hydro-morphological factors and coastal protection works in Bangladesh. Proc. International workshop on storm surges, river flow and combined effects. UNESCO, International Hydrological Program, Hamburg, Germany, pp.257-267. Barua DK (1991). The coastline of Bangladesh - an overview of processes and forms. Proceedings of the 7th symposium on coastal and ocean management, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), pp. 2284-2301. Barua DK (1991). Tidal observations and spectral analyses of water level data in the mouth of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, Mombasa, Kenya, pp. 1202-1215, COPEDEC-PIANC. Barua DK (1990). Suspended sediment movement in the estuary of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system. Marine Geology, 91:243-253, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/0025-3227(90)90039-M ResearchGate Link Barua DK (1990). In search of the definition of an estuary. Journal of the Institution of Engineers. Bangladesh, 18(4):27-30, IEB. Barua DK (1990). Global warming and sea level rise. HOLIDAY, Vol. XXVI no. 3 (Dhaka, Bangladesh). Barua DK and Koch FG (1987). Tidal propagation in Sandwip Channel. 31st IEB Conv. (Khulna Bangladesh). Barua DK (1987). Drainage study of Noakhali: Hydro-morphological investigation and solution options. In: Drainage study of Southern Sudharam Upazilla, Noakhali. Land Reclamation Project, Bangladesh, Tech Rep. 38. Barua DK (1986). Recent morphological developments in Urir Char area. 30th IEB Conv. (Dhaka Bangladesh). Barua DK and Koch FG (1986). Characteristic morphological relationship for the tide dominated channels of the lower Meghna estuary. Proceedings of the Workshop on Erosion and Sediment Transport Processes, UNESCO, Bangladesh Univ. Engg. Tech. BUET, pp.68-82. Barua DK and Koch FG (1986). Field measurements and remote sensing in the estuaries for engineering development. Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Coastal Zone Management and Environmental Monitoring, UNDP/ESCAP, Space Res. and Remote Sen. Org. (SPARRSO, Dhaka, Bangladesh). pp.244-248. Barua DK (1985). Computation of tidal discharge by velocity area method: an approximate approach in the Meghna estuary. 29th IEB Conv. (Chittagong, Bangladesh). Barua DK and Koch FG (1985). Erosion hazards and accretion prospects in the lower Meghna estuary. Workshop on River Bank Erosion Impact Study (Jahangir Nagar Univ., Dhaka, Bangladesh). . . . Links to All the Posted Essays in WIDECANVAS A Wide Perspective Enrichment Science & Technology – Coastal Engineering Aspects 2016 Apr 27 Gift of Science & Technology – an Introduction Without this gift, the civilization of any culture cannot stand out in grandeur and glory 2016 May 19 Turning the Wheel of Progress Stressed that turning the wheel of progress of any society is unthinkable without the contributions and dedications of Science & Technology professionals 2016 May 26 Creativity and Due Diligence Discussed these two most important requirements expected of an engineer - to find a smart solution from an array of probable alternatives 2016 Jun 2 Common Sense Hydraulics Some of the First Order hydraulic processes discussed that are always useful to resort to, before embarking upon more sophisticated analyses 2016 Jul 28 Uncertainty and Risk The propagation of uncertainty in independent variables on to the dependent variables discussed together with the nature of risks they pose 2016 Aug 4 Transformation of Waves A born wave on its way to transporting the gained energy is transformed as it propagates and interacts with different imposed factors. 2016 Aug 11 Resistance to Flow Resistances a flow encounters at its land-water interface discussed - posted in Honor of the Victims of Hiroshima and Nagaski Bombings 2016 Sept 22 Water Modeling Aspects of numerical water modeling including its uses, advantages and limitations discussed. 2016 Sept 29 Sea Level Rise – the Consequences and Adaptation The consequences of sea level rise on low-lying coastal lands, the effects on urban civil infrastructure and adaptation strategies discussed. 2016 Oct 6 Tsunami and Tsunami Forces Tsunami generation processes, its propagation and runup discussed along with the forces they cause on obstructing structures; introduced and coined the terms sub- and super-resonant frequency amplifications of incident waves - and the phenomenon of Sea Level Suck Out by a fore-running Tsunami trough. 2016 Nov 3 Storm Surge Generation and propagation of storm surge discussed by highlighting the characteristics of surge producing storms 2016 Nov 11 The Surf Zone Discussed wave processes in the most dynamic and least understood region of the beach - the Surf Zone 2016 Nov 17 Wave Forces on Slender Structures Discussed the Morison Forces on in-water slender structures in a spectral wave field & shown why inertial forces diminish in low-frequency waves 2017 Sept 15 Ship Motion and Mooring Restraints Discussed scientific and engineering aspects of a floating rigid body motion in six degrees of freedom & typical mooring restraints 2017 Oct 20 Wave Structure Interactions & Scour Scientific and engineering aspects of wave reflection, runup, transmission, overtopping and seabed scour discussed 2018 Jan 19 The World of Numbers and Chances Discussed what numbers say and do not say in statistical and probabilistic generalizations and extrapolations 2018 Mar 16 Managing Coastal Inlets Management of Inlets on Littoral Shores, Inlet-Bay Hydraulics & Cross-sectional Inlet Stability 2018 May 9 Propwash Propwash Theories and Scour Protection Applications discussed 2019 Feb 5 Civil Engineering on our Seashore Introduced and Elaborated the Concept of Coastal Engineering Envelope of 7 Groups & Coastal and Maritime Boundary Definitions 2020 Jan 26 Flood Barrier Systems Engineering Measures, Flood Barrier Hydraulics & Some Major Storm Surge Barriers across the Globe discussed 2020 Jun 19 Breakwater Breakwater Theories, History and Applications - posted in Honor of the Juneteenth Day, the 1921 Massacre Victims 2020 Nov 23 Harbor Sedimentation Sedimentation Dynamics of Suspended and Aggregated Particulates in a Harbor discussed 2021 Apr 30 Uncertainty Propagation in Wave Loadings Developed the Processes of Uncertainty Propagation and Stressed on the Quantification of it - posted in Honor of the International Jazz Day 2021 Aug 25 Force Fields in a Coastal System Coastal Force Field Terms Introduced and Elaborated - MOFF, ETFF, LDFF, HEFF & FWFF 2022 Dec 16 Coastal Ocean Currents off River Mouths Based on an unpublished Chapter of my Ph.D. Dissertation - posted in Honor of Bangladesh Victory Day 2023 Mar 25 The Grammar of Industrialization - Standards, Codes and Manuals The Article Traces the Root of Capitalist Industrialization - and How Standards, Codes and Manuals form an Integral Part of its Success 2024 Oct 04 Coastal Water Level - posted in honor of World Oceans Day, the June 8th of each year Science of Nature – Physics and Hydraulics Aspects 2016 Apr 29 Natural Order The order in unison seen through the eyes of the Fundamental Laws of Nature 2016 May 5 Natural Equilibrium Dynamic equilibrium as the characteristic signature of Nature in cause-effect duality explained to demonstrate modeling of the processes 2016 May 12 Nature’s Action Some of Nature's actions in diruptive and destructive modes explained relying on the examples of some recent storm surges and tsunamis 2016 Jun 30 The Fluidity of Nature Explained in terms of Time, Continuity, Resilience, Adaptation, Balance and Dynamic Equilibrium 2016 Jul 7 Ocean Waves Genesis and transformation of both long and short ocean waves looked into through a poetic lens 2016 Jul 14 Duality and Multiplicity in Nature A wave analogy demonstrated to show the existence of duality and multiplicity in all Natural phenomena 2016 Sept 1 TIME Time and the impression of it that stand as the lasting witness of transformation looked into through a poetic lens - as a reality and as something of the making of mind 2016 Sept 8 Sea Level Rise – the Science Aspects of past and present sea level rise - and prediction uncertainties of future scenarios discussed 2016 Sept 15 Coastal River Delta Delta-building initiation, its progressive hydro-morphological development in three distinct phases discussed 2016 Oct 13 Linear Waves Definition, characterization, transformative evolution - and prediction and modeling of such waves discussed 2016 Oct 20 Nonlinear Waves Definition, characterization, transformative evolution - and prediction and modeling of such waves discussed 2016 Oct 27 Spectral Waves Definition, characterization, transformative evolution - and prediction and modeling of such waves discussed 2016 Nov 24 Turbulence Flow turbulence definition, characterization and modeling discussed 2016 Dec 1 Coastal Water Coastal water properties - salinity, density, viscosity and compressibility discussed. 2017 Nov 15 The Hydraulics of Sediment Transport With an introduction of sediment transport bascics - the nearbed fluid forcing and bed resistance, sediment pick-up threshold, suspension criteria and profile - and sediment transport rate discussed for a nonlinear wave in the coastal zone 2018 Jun 20 Waves – Height, Period and Length The three wave integral parameters - height, period and length discussed together with their interrelationship - and transformative evolution as it propgates 2018 Dec 26 Environmental Controls and Functions of a River Discussed what environmental controls define a river regime - and what functions it is meant to carry out 2019 Mar 14 The Quantum World Elaborated the Wave-particle Duality, Uncertainty, Observer-observed Relationship, Quantum Entanglement, and Force Fields in Simple Terms - posted In Honor of the International pi Day 2019 May 18 Entropy and Everything Else Elaborated the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics to Explain the Irreversible Processes of Nature - Time, Order-Disorder and Life - and intrduced the Hydrodynamics & Socioeconomic Entropies 2019 Aug 23 Einstein’s Unruly Hair Special and General Theories of Relativity in Simplicity - posted in Honor of Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955 2019 Dec 15 Warming Climate and Entropy Introduced and elaborated the Paradigm of the Interdependent and Interactive Fluid, Solid and Life Systems & the Earth-Sun Energy Balance - posted in Honor of the World Climate Day on Dec 8 2020 Apr 6 Upslope Events and Downslope Processes Introduced this Paradigm to Explain the Sciences of Nature, Engineering & Technology and Social Interactions 2020 Sept 25 Characterizing Wave Asymmetry Asymmetry Quantification based on my Ph.D. Dissertation and later works 2021 Jan 22 Artificial Intelligence – the Tool of No Limit Relying on Critical Thinking - Introduced and Elaborated the term AIPPS and stressed on Morality and Ethics in the unlimited scopes of AI - posted in Honor of the International Life Day. A distinction made between the Universal Laws and the human made mundane Checklist Laws 2021 Jul 9 The Sanctity of Nature’s Wonders The health of our own well-being lies in not violating the precious gifts of Nature - with a nice little story of what other lives think of us - posted in Honor of Earth Day and Wildlife Day 2022 Feb 21 An Alluvial River’s Sedimentary Functions Floodplain sequestering and ocean delivery of the Ganges-Jamuna River System sediment transports - posted in Honor of the Intl Mother Language Day 2023 Aug 14 The Fundamental Laws of Nature Introduced and elaborated the SPIRIT >>> STILL Paradigm Harmonious Living in Wisdom and Mindfulness - in Social Interactions 2016 Jun 9 The Wheel of Life The wheel of life rolls on - in quests to find the 'Right Me' 2016 Jun 16 Social Order A social order is healthy and sound when founded upon the Eight: Honesty, Transparenecy, Democratic Values, Inclusiveness, Equity, Freedom, Sincereity, & Love and Respect 2016 Jun 23 Governance A good governance must care for the nucleaus of the social structure - the Family 2016 Aug 11 Social Fluidity Five characteristics: Time, Continuity, Resilience, Adaptation & Dynamic Equilibrium - posted in Honor of the First Nations Day on Aug 9 2016 Aug 18 Duality and Multiplicity in a Society Examines and characterizes duality and multiplicity as the fundamental building processes of a society 2016 Aug 25 Democracy and Larry the Cat A democracy of incompetency and insincerity is vulnerable to the tactics set by seasoned bureaucracies of differet sort 2017 Aug 30 The Power of Mind The power of mind lies in meditation training, while an unguarded universe of the mind is vulnerable and subjective 2017 Dec 1 Leadership and Management Introduced and elaborated the leadership accronym HICAPtain 2018 Jan 2 Let there be Light – and there was Light Indulgence for immediate gratification leads to darkness, while light shines on a disciplined mind 2018 Jul 27 Heaven and Hell A poetic portrayal of heaven and hell as experienced in real life 2019 Jan 15 Symmetry, Stability and Harmony Elaborateed these three universal human aspirations 2019 Apr 10 The All-embracing Power of Sublimities Elaborateed the power of the Four: Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity 2019 Jul 5 Happiness – the Likeness of a Water Drop on Lotus Pad Highlighted the six auspicious ways to lengthen happiness experience 2019 Oct 4 Story Times with Frank – 1 Some societal issues in funtime stories 2019 Dec 11 Meditation for True Happiness The 'Let-Go' and the truth or 'Why' meditations - posted in Honor of International Minority Day & World Buddhist Leaders 2020 Mar 10 Story Times with Frank – 2 Continuation of the funtime stories 2020 May 7 Revisiting the Jataka Morals – 1 In celebration of the International Vesak Day - a Homage beginning with the Jataka Dharma Tales of practical matters 2020 Jul 10 Revisiting the Jataka Morals – 2 Follow-up the Jataka Dharma Tales, with elaboration of Emptiness 2020 Sept 25 Takuma Grieving the passing away of my Ma 2021 Mar 5 Some Difficult Things Delved into a portion of the Buddhist Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters 2021 May 26 Enlightenment, Emptiness and Nirvana In Celebration of the International Vesak Day - a Homage Highlighting the Three most Important Dharma Elements 2021 Oct 19 How Long Does it Take Sketched human grievances - posted in Honor of the Human Rights Day 2022 May 16 The Tathagata In Celebration of the International Vesak Day - a Narrative Poetry Homage 2022 Oct 2 The Mahatma – a Tribute Posted in Honor of the International Non-violence Day 2023 Jan 26 Hold it There A Poetic advocacy for the well-being of all 2023 May 5 Something Different In Celebration of the International Vesak Day - a Buddha Dharma Conversation Homage 2023 Oct 12 A Tribute to Xuanzang The Illustrious 7th century CE Chinese Buddhist Monk Scholar and Traveler 2024 May 22 The Way of Simplicity, Balance and Wisdom In Celebration of the International Vesak Day - a homage by Elucidating the Buddha Dharma . . . A Note This note is intended to clarify why so many individuals have the same name as mine. Some 0.5 million people – mostly Bangladeshi, with some living in India, and the worldwide diaspora – identify themselves with the surname ‘BARUA’. Barua historians tell fascinating ancestral stories why and how so many people ended up having the same surname (see a short note in The Mahatma – A Tribute). ‘DILIP KUMAR’ is a parental given name following the immense popularity of Bollywood Actor Dilip Kumar (1922 - 2021). Therefore, when one Googles this name, many individuals – authors, scholars, professionals and others appear – no family relation, except belonging to the same religio-cultural heritage. As for myself – some of my relevant professional experience, works and research – together with the publications list are summarized in this profile – and in several pieces of articles published on this Website. All these go with the materials I outlined in ORCiD. . . . . . Dr. Dilip K. Barua
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